4 Tips for Keeping Smiles Healthy
A healthy smile begins with a basic oral care routine and visiting the dentist twice a year. However, enhancing oral health outside of professional treatments from your dentist is possible with some additions to your everyday regimen. Here are a few tips on keeping the smile healthy between visits with your dentist.
Brushing the Tongue and Cheeks
Brushing your teeth twice daily is one of the basic steps in any oral care routine. But keeping the entire smile healthy requires extra cleaning for the tongue and cheeks. When eating food, leftover debris can stick to the surfaces of your tongue and cheeks. If these areas are not properly cleaned it can lead to bad breath and an environment for bacteria to develop. Many toothbrushes now have a dual toothbrush head that can brush the tongue and cheeks, but you can use the bristles as well.
Massaging the Gums
Flossing should be done at least once a day but is also recommended after meals. Keeping the gums healthy is an essential part of oral health because the gums keep the teeth in place. Another way to care for your gum tissue is to massage it, this can be beneficial for patients who are susceptible to developing gum disease or are receiving treatment. Take an index finger and gently massage the gums using circular motions and kneading. This stimulates blood flow and allows for better healing of the tissue.
A simple addition to any routine, mouthwash comes in many varieties that can help create a healthier smile. Mouthwashes can be specific to protecting the teeth from tooth decay, keeping gums healthy, and creating fresh smelling breath. This addition allows you to wash away any left-over debris from brushing and flossing. Travel size mouthwashes can be carried with you on the go, allowing you to have fresh breath after every meal.
Healthy Diet
A healthy diet begins with adding more vegetables and fruits to your plate. These foods offer nutrients and vitamins that keep teeth and gums strong and immune systems high. However, these foods offer an additional cleaning when eaten raw. Celery and apples have a unique texture that can help remove debris from the surface of teeth. Choose to eat these foods as your snack between main meals for a boost in energy and to keep the smile clean.
For more information about how to keep the smile healthy, or to schedule a bi-annual visit with our dentist, contact our office today.